Tuesday, November 1, 2011

I scream, You scream, We all scream for ICE CREAM!

No one can resist the temptation of 
one of the world’s most favorite dessert of all time : ICE-CREAM!! 

As we all can tell, ice cream is ubiquitous. 
You can find it everywhere, from the smallest cafe in the suburbs 
to the big, fancy restaurant in metropolitan areas. 
The purpose of consumption varies; 

some people might just want to cool down from the heat 
during the midday sun, some might want to have it with their chocolate cake, 
and some, if not most, just want a scoop for their own guilty pleasure 
( Admit it people! :D)

No worries readers, we are definitely not going to 
brag about our ice-cream eating habits here. 

Instead, to make things more interesting, 
we, the four (extra)ordinary girls who worship the delicious scoops, 

would like to share some fun facts related to 
2 of the most popular brands of all : 

Haagen Daz and Ben & Jerry’s. 

Oh yes, we know you know them. Everyone does.
They’re both BIG brands, targeting on totally different markets, 

yet being VERY successful in each of their own markets.

Come swing by at our blog every once in a while, 
we promise you’ll learn something new, fun, and interesting 

about the 2 brands every now and then. 
For now, you can do yourself a favor, walk to your nearest grocery store, 

grab a carton, and indulge yourself with your favorite flavor :)  


The Ice Cream Princesses ;)

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