Tuesday, November 8, 2011

More About Ben and Jerry's

Marketing Mix

-         natural, fresh, and high quality ice cream with fun and unique names
-         packages that are easy to recognize and remember ( the cow! )
-         target mainly on small kids, families, and younger people


- Premium Pricing
-  Geographical pricing : it sets different prices in different regions, 
such as countries in Europe and the United States


- distributed nationwide and in selected foreign countries
- sold in supermarkets, grocery stores, convenience stores, 
franchise Ben & Jerry’s scoop shops, restaurants, and other venues


-  Free Cone day :
an annual event held between late March and early May, 
in which Ben & Jerry's scoop shops give out free ice cream cups 
and cones to celebrate the company's birthday
-  Promotional prices during special events

SWOT Analysis

Strengths :       - Good and clear brand image
                                      - "Top of mind" brand and product
                        - Environmental awareness
           - Experienced brand

Weaknesses :    - High price compared to brand image
                    - No Low-fat ice cream for health-concious customers

Oppotunities :   - Growing premium ice cream market globally
                                    - Expansion to south american and asian market

Threats :    - Rising prices of milk and other ingredients
                        - New market entrants and fiercer competition

Position in the Ansoff Matrix

Market penetration : focused on existing product in existing market

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